Currently many orders so expect a few days delay.
There are many who write or call with questions and comments.
For email please use the address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For phone support there is a new number, +46 10 550 2990. Please use this new number and no other number you could find.
New version of Servo decoder, Panel decoder and Signal decoders
At the request of users, the decoders have now been given the option to take their power directly from the LocoNet cable, without another external power source.
For this to work, there must be sufficient power resources on the LocoNet cable, which is offered by MGP Electricity Distribution Card.
If you want to feed the cards separately, the screw terminal for 5 volts can be used.
The USB connector on the cards has been removed.
The new decoders are black unlike the previous green ones.
There are two jumpers on the cards.
When feeding from LocoNet, these must be in place.
When feeding from the screw terminal, the jumpers must be removed.
New country versions of the Signal decoder
New signal decoders for Czech, Norwegian and US signals has been released.
The signal decoders are adapted for each country's different types of signals and at the moment we have signal decoders for Swedish, Danish, German, Czech, Norwegian and US signals.
If you are interested in current or new signal decoders, please contact us.
New version of the App for decoder configurations
We have released a new major version of the App used for configurations of the decoders.
New in this version is language support!
I this release we have added support for Swedish together with the default language English.
The App uses the language used by the telephone, so those that have a Swedish telephone will see all menus and button texts as well as SV names in Swedish.
If you are used to the English names of SV's and find it hard with the new Swedish names, it is possible to change back to the English names through a configuration inside the App.
Texts on menus and buttons though are dependant on the language of the phone, so if English are to be used, then the phone must be set to English.
More languages are possible, so if anyone would like support for you own language, please get in touch with us.
Electricity distribution card
Specially from the module people there has been question around a way to easily provide power to the whole module from one power source.
The card is supplied with 12 volts and can provide the system with the necessary electricity.
Multiple cards can be connected together so that for example, a module divided into several sections, can be supplied by a single power source.
The various cards can be connected via the regular LocoNet cable or via separate cable.
Voltage conversion is effective to avoid unnecessary power losses.
Pictures from N-scale builders
It's very interesting to see the result of our kits. Pleas send pictures and we like to publish them on the site!
A selection of photos of the YD can be found on the product page for Yd!
New photos of the Da model, look at the Da product page